Raw correction image processing

Myopia correction image processing
Clearer screen
By maximizing edge light to amplify the central light, and optimizing the principle of amplifying the central light by minimizing edge light in the original state on the display, a patented film has been developed to correct MLA user refractive error.
Development of the lens corrective film that can move
the screen and the screen processing APP for users
Development of the lens corrective film that can move the screen and the screen processing APP for users
Current method
- Some of the images are enlarged and cannot be seen at a glance.

Pixelro’s solution
- The whole image becomes clear by moving backward without magnifying the image.

Modifying the image for the elderly
- It is calibrated through image processing and MLA.

Patent 01
A system and method for measurement of visual
acuity based on the analysis of user eye movements.
Registration number: 1021185050000
Patent 02
Multi-layered MLA, display panels, and image
processing to correct users’ refractive errors.
Registration number: 1019767590000
Patent 03
Source image extraction method and device.
Registration number 1020605930000